Reducing some activities can not get the expected results, which can save some time. Network marketing is an integral part of the overall marketing strategy of an enterprise. It is a variety of activities to achieve the overall business objectives of the enterprise and create an online business environment by taking the Internet as the basic means. A variety of means can be used, such as e-mail marketing, blog and microblog marketing, online advertising marketing, video marketing, media marketing, bidding promotion marketing, SEO optimization ranking marketing, etc.
Reducing some activities that cannot achieve the expected results can save some time. We must determine which SEO strategies are effective and which are ineffective. Most website administrators attach great importance to the external chain of the website and require various ways to send external chain, microblog, blog, QQ, etc. to apply for a large number of accounts, wasting a lot of unnecessary time on application accounts.


We cultivate blogs. The more microblogs, the greater the workload, and because we don't have time to consider the low weight of the website. The external chain platform they cultivate must ensure quality, not quantity. In addition, some beginners often spend a lot of time writing fake, pasting and copying other people's articles, which is not necessary, as the saying goes. The effect is much better than fake. Appropriate use of paid search promotion
If the budget is sufficient, you can consider reducing natural SEO promotion activities, pay attention to paid search Baidu promotion, and examine each promotion plan and promotion unit to see if there is room for optimization. We strongly recommend that you establish different promotion plans to achieve different promotion objectives from the promotion purpose, divide keywords with similar meaning and the same structure into the same promotion unit, write ideas for keywords, and control the number of keywords in each promotion unit to ensure that these keywords have high correlation with ideas. In particular, try to ensure that wildcards are used in every idea. Please refer to the questions and skills related to account structure for details. Using paid search promotions can get results faster than individual natural promotions. However, please note that if the site is not optimized for the target audience, it is not a valid destination for paid search access.
SEO并不懒惰,关键在于策略,多管齐下的SEO是提高网站排名的途径网络营销企业整体 营销战略的个组成部分,是为实现企业总体经营目标所进行的,以互联网为基本手段营造网上经营环境的各种活动。其中可以利用多种手段,如 E-mail营销、博客与 微博营销、 网络广告营销、 视频营销、媒体营销、 竞价推广营销、 SEO优化排名营销等。搜索引擎优化工作可以放松段时间,但你不能放弃。许多搜索引擎优化工作不应该偷懒,例如关键词挖掘、网站访问者或搜索引擎报告的恶意软件报告。只有正确的策略才能使我们的工作更容易。
SEO is not lazy. The key lies in strategy. Multi pronged SEO is the way to improve website ranking. Network marketing is an integral part of the overall marketing strategy of an enterprise. It is all kinds of activities to achieve the overall business objectives of the enterprise and create an online business environment by taking the Internet as the basic means. A variety of means can be used, such as e-mail marketing, blog and microblog marketing, online advertising marketing, video marketing, media marketing, bidding promotion marketing, SEO optimization ranking marketing, etc. SEO can relax for a while, but you can't give up. Many search engine optimization efforts should not be lazy, such as keyword mining, website visitors or malware reports reported by search engines. Only the right strategy can make our work easier.