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来源:chinanovo.net   发布时间:2024-01-28 17:53:51  浏览:0


Platform algorithms and rules


Understanding the algorithms and rules of the WeChat video account platform is crucial for creators. Only by knowing oneself and the other can one win a hundred battles.

1. 微信视频号算法

1. WeChat video account recommendation algorithm


From socializing with strangers to socializing with acquaintances.


Although the purpose of the video number is not all to fight against "Shuaikuai", it is inevitable to compare with them on the same track. The big difference between the video number and Tiktok, Kwai is the distribution recommendation mode.

抖音在国内的发展势如破竹,在国外也没有几个科技巨头能干得过TikTok的算法。字节打的,是陌生人社交,数据为王。快手老铁则向来是社交和算法的平衡好手,“土味文化” 形成了快手独特的半熟人社区。

Tiktok's development in China is overwhelming, and there are few technology giants abroad that can do TikTok's algorithm. ByteDance is socializing with strangers, and data is king. Kwai Laotieze has always been a good balance between social interaction and algorithm, and the "unfashionable culture" has formed a unique semi acquaintance community of Kwai.

而身着微信 “社交血脉” 的视频号,在出生便拥有 “抖快” 都不能企及的牢固熟人社交关系链,这恰恰是视频号崛起的大优势。

The video account, which carries the social bloodline of WeChat, has a strong social network of acquaintances that even Doukuai cannot reach from birth, which is precisely the major advantage of the rise of video accounts.


At present, the recommendation of video accounts is mainly based on social relationships for recommendation distribution. For example:

发现页中的小红点提醒,是 “好友点赞”、“好友在看的直播” 等;

The small red dot reminders on the discovery page are "like by friends", "live broadcasts watched by friends", etc;


When entering the video account, the "Friends" section is opened by default, and "Friends" is also located in the middle of the top four information streams;


The video account updates seen through social media platforms such as Moments and Chat are purely social recommendations.


In the algorithm mechanism of recently exposed video accounts, "social recommendations" from friends who like account for 55% of the algorithm, while "popular recommendations" from high-quality content only account for 15%.


This proves that social recommendation distribution full of WeChat characteristics is still the priority of video accounts.


For creators, social recommendations are also more conducive to increasing account followers and attracting traffic. After a user likes a video work on a certain video account, the system will recommend the video work to their social circle. If their WeChat friend also likes it after seeing it, the video work will be recommended to this friend's social circle

这种社交裂变,某种意义上复制了公众号在朋友圈 “刷屏” 的传播路径,可以无限 “出圈”。

This social fission, in a sense, replicates the official account's "screen brushing" communication path in the circle of friends, which can be "out of the circle" indefinitely.


In theory, a video account constantly spreads between different circles, and the potential reach of the audience is infinite.


For operators, the first thing to realize is the enormous potential for traffic.


From the perspective of operational practice, social fission can be fully utilized for cold start. After publishing a video, liking, forwarding, commenting, and bookmarking are key indicators, which determine how much exposure your work can gain.


Many creators have tried various methods to increase exposure, such as finding friends to like, joining "like groups", paying for promotion, and so on. After struggling for a while, they found that the effect was not significant, and there was also a risk of being downgraded by the system.


Whether a video account can be developed or not, as a creator, we still need to return to its important traffic and recommendation algorithms.


First, let's talk about the algorithm mechanism of Tiktok:


The creators who are familiar with Tiktok should know that the recommendation of Tiktok video works mainly depends on the algorithm logic, according to the completion rate, rebroadcast rate, likes, messages, forwarding number and other data to comprehensively determine the work situation. Manual review is mainly for popular and popular videos.


Specifically, the Tiktok algorithm is actually a funnel mechanism, which is basically consistent with the principle of the decentralized recommendation algorithm in Headlines today.



So, will video accounts also adopt this pattern?


Unlike Tiktok, WeChat is connected with the video account, the circle of friends and WeChat groups, and will definitely connect with the official account and the applet in the future.


So, users can obtain basic playback volume through forwarding, without the need for platform feedback.


According to the testing conducted by most creators during this period, new video accounts are not given in quantity, and updated video works will only receive platform recommendations after reaching a certain level of popularity. Such basic playback requires you to obtain it through forwarding and sharing.

这就意味着,在刚开始做视频号时,基础播放量,要通过你的转发和分享来获得。所以,视频号的算法和抖音恰恰相反,采用相反的算法机制,也即是将抖音的 “算法+人工” 变为 “人工+算法”。

This means that when starting a video account, the basic playback volume needs to be obtained through your forwarding and sharing. Therefore, the algorithm of video number is the opposite of Tiktok, and the opposite algorithm mechanism is used, that is, the "algorithm+manual" of Tiktok is changed to "manual+algorithm".


Therefore, the creators of operating video accounts need not worry too much about algorithms. Just like the reading amount of official account, high-quality forwarding data and likes are the basis for evaluating works.

2. 微信视频号审核机制

2. WeChat video account review mechanism


Video accounts have a large number of creators posting videos every day, so it is necessary to set up a video review and filtering mechanism. At present, there are dual audits, namely machine audits and manual audits.


Review standards for WeChat video accounts:


Machine audit:


Set up an artificial intelligence model in advance to recognize your video visuals and keywords, and use it to review your work and copy for any violations.


If video rules are used, it may lead to works being: reduced recommendations, deleted works, self visibility, etc.


Serious violations can be directly deleted or self visible. If the violation cannot be directly determined, it will be subject to manual review.


Manual review:


Suspected works of violation will be screened by the machine and manually reviewed. Manual review mainly revolves around three aspects: video title, video cover, and video keyframes.


If it is determined that the violation has occurred, penalties such as video deletion, downgrade notice, and account suspension will be imposed.

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