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来源:chinanovo.net   发布时间:2024-02-11 00:23:48  浏览:0


The first step in designing a website is to understand the website map. Designers arrange the spatial size and positional relationships of different layouts based on the layout of the website. The layout of a website is actually the rational organization and arrangement of text, images, multimedia, etc. within the page. As a result, web design has also spawned many types of layout styles.


Banner style layout

顾名思义,Banner(opens in a new tab or window)式布局就是指页面上方是导航条,顶部是一个Banner,下方是其他内容。这种布局方法的优点是页面的结构十分清晰,主次分明。无论屏幕的尺寸是什么,网页的内容都会清晰地呈现出来。

As the name suggests, a banner (opens in a new tab or window) layout refers to a navigation bar at the top of a page, a banner at the top, and other content below. The advantage of this layout method is that the page structure is very clear, with clear priorities. No matter what the screen size is, the content of the webpage will be presented clearly.


Banner style layout is a basic and common design technique in web design, such as website coolness and Curiosity Daily. Although some designers may design banners to be fixed width or span across the entire page, the overall layout style is similar.


Up-down layout


The up and down layout refers to a webpage with an advertising bar on both sides, hyperlinks on the left and right, and main content placed in the middle. Below are the basic information, contact information, copyright statement, etc. of the website.



Obviously, the advantage of this layout method is that it can fully utilize the layout and convey as much information as possible. At the same time, designers need to pay attention to the content and size of the sections, and not make the page overly bulky.


Left and right layout


A left and right layout is a framework structure that divides a webpage into two pages, with navigation links on the left, subheadings at the top, and main content on the right.


At present, most navigation websites and forums adopt this structure, which is very clear and clear at a glance. For example, on a technology website with 36 Kr, on the left is the consultation category, and in the middle are news and articles.


POP style layout

POP是广告中的术语,意思是售点广告。在网页设计中,POP式布局是指页面的布局设计像一张宣传海报(opens in a new tab or window),精致又吸睛。

POP is a term in advertising that means point of sale advertising. In web design, POP style layout refers to the layout design of a page that resembles an open in a new tab or window, exquisite and eye-catching.


Usually, fashion shopping websites adopt a POP style layout, with a beautiful image as the page center and a navigation bar placed at the top or bottom. The disadvantage of POP style layout is that the image is too large and the rendering speed is slow.


Sometimes, POP style layouts also add small animations or directly place corresponding links on the images. This type of design usually appears on the homepage of a company introduction or personal webpage, giving people a simple and elegant visual enjoyment.


Title Text Layout


This type of layout is a simple style in web design, usually with a title placed at the top and a body area used below. Designers like to use a title based layout style on consultation article pages, registration pages, etc. This style can slightly disturb users and provide them with a quiet browsing experience.


In fact, no matter which layout the designer adopts, the important requirement in web design is to have clear priorities and prominent emphasis. Only when there is a clear visual center on the page can website users quickly find the key points of the content, so as not to become confused after entering the website.


Designers can also use white space to create a visually focused effect, guiding users to the main content area. For example, on the Apple official website, only the detailed image in the middle and the navigation bar at the top and bottom are retained on the product introduction page, and a large amount of blank space makes users focus on the product image.


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