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互联网知识 营销推广 企业动态 行业动态


来源:www.chinanovo.net   发布时间:2024-09-03 14:20:45  浏览:0

法则一: 精准定位

Rule 1: Precise positioning


To achieve effective drainage, the primary task is to accurately select the target audience. If you choose the wrong audience, all you will attract will be invalid traffic, let alone monetization. Therefore, precise targeting of the target audience is the key first step in successful drainage.


Specifically, it is necessary to first determine the target audience of the product or service and clearly depict the user profile of this target audience. In this way, we can search for platforms where users gather in a targeted manner and prepare for subsequent traffic diversion work.


When depicting user profiles, we can start from the following dimensions:

用户的基本情况:①这包括目标受众的具体对象(如小学生、大学生等)②地域分布(省份、城市、学校等)③性别以及学历水平(主要针对成人用户)用户的使用习惯/Use habits包括他们通常在什么时间段使用我们的产品或服务、是通过线上的电脑、APP、小程序还是线下渠道进行使用等,以及他们的活跃状态,即在什么时间段会进行什么样的活动。用户的需求/demand这部分主要关注的是目标受众在某些方面的缺乏感。例如,成人用户可能存在职业规划、证书、职场技能等方面的需求,而家长用户可能存在亲子关系、指导、教育方法等方面的需求。

Basic user information: ① This includes the specific target audience (such as elementary school students, college students, etc.) ② Regional distribution (province, city, school, etc.) ③ Gender and educational level (mainly for adult users) ③ User usage habits/These habits include when they usually use our products or services, whether they use online computers, apps, mini programs, or offline channels, as well as their activity status, that is, what activities they will engage in during what time period. The user's needs/demand section mainly focuses on the target audience's lack of awareness in certain aspects. For example, adult users may have needs for career planning, professional certificates, workplace skills, etc., while parent users may have needs for parent-child relationships, academic guidance, educational methods, etc.

法则二: 明确痛点

Rule 2: Identify pain points


After having precise user positioning and clear platform goals, we need to provide attractive and specific drainage products. This product can be presented in the form of courses, materials, or activities. To ensure attracting target users, we first need to identify their pain points, which are the issues they are most concerned about.


Here are several methods to achieve drainage:

调研问卷:根据用户画像设计具有针对性的问卷,经过小白测试后进行投放,收集并分析问卷结果,以便找出用户关心的问题。根据这些问题,我们可以针对性地设计引流产品。观察对手?/Observe the opponent如果竞争对手举办的活动取得了较好的效果,我们可以迅速跟进。但在此之前,我们需要确保我们的产品和活动与他们的有足够的重叠度,否则复制活动可能无法达到预期的效果。热点日历?/Hotspot calendar根据行业特点提前列出可借势的节日或活动日历,尽早规划相关的引流产品,以防止错过的引流时机。

Survey questionnaire: Design targeted questionnaires based on user profiles, conduct testing with novices, collect and analyze questionnaire results, in order to identify the issues that users are most concerned about. Based on these issues, we can design targeted drainage products. Observing opponents/ If the competitor's event achieves good results, we can quickly follow up. But before that, we need to ensure that our products and activities have sufficient overlap with theirs, otherwise replicating activities may not achieve the expected results. Hot calendar/ Hotspot calendar lists in advance holiday or event calendars that can be leveraged based on industry characteristics, and plans related traffic products as early as possible to prevent missing the best traffic opportunities.

法则三: 降低成本

Rule Three: Reduce Costs


The process of traffic diversion is actually a process of guiding users to migrate from one platform to another or inviting friends to join, which inevitably leads to user churn. However, we can adopt some strategies to minimize this situation as much as possible.


Among them, reducing the cost of user behavior is the fundamental principle. The only way to achieve this principle is to optimize the drainage process.


Optimizing the process means carefully adjusting and iterating every detail from publishing traffic products to users obtaining traffic products, reducing user churn through this layered control approach.



For example, a leading online education institution once used a "1-yuan unlock" fission stream gameplay. In the user unlocking phase, they compared different ways of guiding attention to the official account through the A/B test, and finally adopted the step-by-step guidance method, successfully raising the attention rate to 95%.


This case clearly shows that by optimizing the process, we can significantly improve the drainage effect. In addition to reducing churn, we can also use the idea of process optimization to focus on dissemination details when designing drainage paths.

法则四: 控制率

Rule 4: Control investment return rate


Let's face the reality that any form of drainage comes with a certain cost, regardless of its size.


For platform drainage:


Although no direct payment is required, the operational effort invested can be considered the biggest cost. In addition, in order to maintain fan relationships, providing some prizes also requires investment of funds.


For fission drainage:


Whether it's courses, materials, books, teaching aids, or other traffic generating products, they often use special prices or even free forms to attract users. These released parts can be considered as costs.


Drainage requires investment, so find ways to increase conversion rates and offset them with income.


Ensuring a reasonable ROL requires a comprehensive conversion strategy that considers both the business itself, such as form, price, and service, as well as the conversion process, execution details, personnel configuration, etc. If these can be done well, success can be achieved.

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